Deception of Women
In before times in Greece, women were written and portrayed in mythology as beguiling, manipulative and apparently, they cause the downfall of men. And so a lot of people have been saying that women are the source and weakness of men but at the same time they are the bringer of joy and light into the lives of men, even to the most barbaric of them all. “Behind every man’s success is a woman and behind the fall of a successful man is usually a woman” or so they used to say but who is to say that this is true? Although, this is only in poems and stories but there is a clear connection between what was written to what is actually happening in real life. Whatever relationship or any situations that were depicted in myth would not have been efficient and competent if it were not also reality. Through four incidents in Greek mythology let’s see if what is said about women is true. PANDORA’S BOX Pandora opening the jar In The Theogony of Hesiod , in exchange for the help ...