Journal Entry One

August 3, 2016 Wednesday 8:51

Today is not the usual school day I am used to except the assignments and stress. Well, I'm a student after all, that's what we do. We go to school and learn but what's different about today than any other day is that today is the birthday of our school's co-founder, also known as, "Mother of ACT", ma'am Viannie. We celebrated her day by giving her a surprise where all of us students, including senior high students, gathered in one place just to celebrate it and that's when I realized that Asian College of Technology is a big family that i would treasure. Not only that, we transferred to different classrooms thus making us exhausted and weak but nonetheless we had fun.

Its true when you say that learning is more fun when you're with your friends. Even though we couldn't manage all the stress but when we are around with our friends its like stress was never in our system. It just disappears and is replaced with joy. 

This day has been a great day, I've learned a lot of things, experienced new things and realized somethings. Even though I am an old student of my school, I met new friends. Speaking of friends, while practicing for our role play in Filipino, I saw my two friends in which one of them is my closest guy friend who is sadly leaving the country to continue his studies in America. 

And soon enough our class has ended so is the day. My day ended....weirdly. Lots of selfies here and there and a little ride on the hair-rising-roller coaster. Why? Well a friend of mine heard someone whispered "goodbye" on her ear but saw no one. Weird and scary, I know. As what I said today is not just a normal school day.

Well that's all, I guess. Its already late so I guess I'll be writing my entry tomorrow.

Journal Entry One ended @ 10:38p.m                Signed by : UniqueWonderingMe


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